Computer Keyboard, Is Like a Typewriter???...

Keyboard is the most commonly used input device for computer systems. It has derived from the old typewriter. But it's not actually like a typewriter, however both have many same keys which do similar function like pressing a key and character prints. In general, as a standard way to interacting with computer system, a Keyboard actually used to execute commands not only for typing characters.




A Keyboard a keypad device which consists of keys/buttons that user can press to print character or executing commands. When a user presses it process in this way:

* Keyboard controller detects this keystroke

* Places a scan code in the keyboard buffer that indicates which key is pressed

* These scan codes go through the operating system

* Finally CPU accepts it to print on the screen

These scan codes processes in the form of ASCII codes(American Standard Code for Information Interchange).


On the basis of keys and their functions a keyboard is different than typewriter. It has similar keys for typing characters but some additional keys for navigation, numeric keypad and function keys. These keys mainly used to accomplishing of commands pressed by the user.


In later post, we’ll discuss how keyboards key function, and how a user can use them to fulfill their working purposes.

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  1. rd is the most commonly used input device for computer systems. It has derived from the old typewriter. But it's not actually like a typewriter, however both ...

    1. This QWERTY thing is derived from typewriter I think. Don't you agree?

